Our country’s need for blood is one that has been well-documented. The statistics pose a grim reality.

In the United States, a little over 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day. Someone in America requires blood nearly every two seconds. The needs of car accident victims care not about a drastic shortage – one victim may require up to 100 pints of blood.

Marquette’s National Honors Society is doing its part to answer the call. Next Thursday, they’ll be sponsoring a blood drive in the business lab of the Scholl Center. While those with Type O blood are in heaviest demand, all are invited to stop by anytime from noon until 6 pm on the 22nd.

“The blood drives we sponsor are an extension of our commitment to service of others. There is an overwhelming need for blood not only here in LaPorte County, but across the country,” James G. White, CEO/principal said.

The donation process takes just 10 minutes, but its effects can be life-lasting.

To schedule an appointment, contact the main office at 219.873.1325. For more information on blood donations, visit redcrossblood.org.